Draw Your Goals into Reality

I followed these simple steps and I am personally experiencing a positive difference in my life. Let me share them with you all…
It’s ultimately a sketch drawing of your present and future state. On a piece of paper, on the left side, draw a picture that represents what you are today. For example, studying grade 12, painting, extracurricular activities, sports, etc. On the right side of the paper, draw a picture that represents what you want to be in future and your future goals.
For example, an economist, biotechnologist, etc., and connect the present and future through arrows. Stick the drawing on the wall near your study table.
Day-to-day, taking a regular look at the picture will activate your thinking process. A passionate look is the key to taking the next steps.
A strong belief in your own goal will motivate you to take further steps. Believe in your career goal and take bold decisions to achieve it.
Every day, act on it according to the picture drawn. Day by day, take tiny initiatives. For instance, your tiny initiative may be to enquire about details regarding the role of an economist, or reading the related daily news.
Be consistent in your actions, as early as possible, and gradually you will start developing a deep knowledge of your career path. It will build confidence and more passion in your career.
I have been following this for two years and it really motivates me. It has given me clarity on my own career path. Try it yourself, and see the big difference in you.