Book Review: Books On Time Management
by Adhil Sajin, TThe Young Vision Ambassador (Since Mar 2019), Our Own High School, Dubai.

“Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.” ~William Penn.
Everyone wants time – to complete their work, go through their daily clutter, to do projects, even if it is just to talk to someone. Time is essential, but we have time, it’s just that it is not being utilised properly. As a student, I can really relate to this; students mostly have the habit of procrastinating and submitting homework and projects on the due date or after, but never before that.
“Better three hours too soon, than one minute too late.” ~Shakespeare.
In order to be early and make use of the time we have to educate ourselves on the topic of managing time, what better way than to read a book. So, here is a list of books about time management that could help you to be more productive.
The One Thing
By Gary Keller and Jay Papasan
This book is a masterpiece; if applied practically to everyday life, it would be able to do wonders, and readers can achieve much more. It contains many meaningful quotes and is filled with various ways on being productive and getting more out of your time. It gives instructions for a productive day and adds questions that make readers think. Overall, it’s an amazing book worth reading for any individual who want to get the most out of their time.
Goodreads: 4.2/5
Project Life Mastery: 5/5
By Tony Crabbe
A book that is for those who always have that one excuse for everything: “I am busy.” The author in this book states that, “in order to focus, we must unfocus.” If you are an individual who has a lot of work that keeps on piling up then this book is for you. It helps in prioritising work and getting people more productive. This book is written by business psychologist, Tony Crabbe.
“A life-changing book which reassess what you are doing, why you are doing it and in what way.” – Carole Anne Rice, Daily Express
Goodreads: 3.9/5
Eat that frog
By Brian Tracy
This book is targeted at those readers who lose time and suffer because of procrastination. Most of us feel there is lack of time because we don’t do the given work at the earliest time possible and we procrastinate, which leads to work piling up. So the author says we should ‘eat the frog’, which is a metaphor for saying do the challenging tasks first…and the frog is meant to be a task that has the most positive outcome.
If you are an individual who procrastinates, then this book will help you to do a lot of work in less time and is worth a read.
Goodreads: 3.9/5
18 minutes
By Bregman
This book is based on the author’s weekly Harvard review columns, which were very popular and gained a tremendous amount of views every month. 18 minutes is a book for those everyday people who are very busy and have a lot of pending work. The book showcases ways in which these busy people can combat constant interruptions and distractions that delay productivity. There is a system called the ‘18 minute system’, which the book is named after; this system can help a person to be productive every day, in 18 minutes. A highly recommended book.
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