Parents in Sharjah must be vaccinated or show PCR results to enter school premises

Any parent or family member dropping off or collecting children from school in Sharjah must either be fully vaccinated or present a negative PCR test from within 72 hours.
The new rule was announced on Saturday and came into effect immediately.
An email was sent to parents from schools informing them of the new requirements, which are to ensure the safety of the pupils and teachers.
The announcement was made following a statement issued by Sharjah Private Education Authority (Spea) on back to school procedures.
It said all visitors to schools, including parents, family members, maids and drivers, must be fully vaccinated.
If not, they must present a negative PCR test taken within the last 72 hours.
“We inform you that all visitors including parents are required to present a complete Covid-19 vaccination card [at least two doses], or a negative PCR test result valid for no longer than 72 hours in order to enter the school,” Spea’s statement read.
Shahrazad Hwarneh, principal of Al Estiqlal Private School in Sharjah, said the decision was taken to maintain the health and safety of all, but it will create a challenge.
“Parents who are currently visiting schools to register their children are told they can’t enter because they didn’t have a PCR nor were they vaccinated,” she said.
“This happened with many parents today at my school and it must have happened at other schools too.”
Ms Hwarneh believes remote learning is not as effective when teaching pupils compared to when they are in school.
“For that purpose I’m trying to raise the awareness of my pupils, as well as parents, about the importance of the vaccine hoping it will encourage them to take it.”
In Sharjah, tests are mandatory for those aged 12 and older.
Employees were also instructed to get the vaccination to be allowed into schools.
However, during that time they must present weekly PCR test results to enter the school premises.
Pupils below 12 are not required to have the vaccine to enter schools. Instead they must present a one-time negative PCR test result at the beginning of the academic year.
Source: The National.