

Dealing with Bullying

Bullying has become really common nowadays and, especially with growing technology, there is a risk everywhere.…

Colour Psychology

Imagine living in a world with no colour; it would be like living in a black and white movie, which is not as cool…

Business English – Email

Do you know how to write a business email? If it's a no, then don't worry! Here, I have listed a few tips and…


Did you know - Richard Branson, Justin Timberlake, Tom Cruise, Daniel Radcliffe, Keira Knightley all have one thing…

DIY Recipes

The humble herb peppermint has been used for centuries in medicine and flavouring. This issue, we honour this often…

Career Readiness

There is a world of difference between what one studies in college and the career they pursue. No matter how jazzy…